Blaire Miran

Ms. Chainani and Ms. Malfa


1 April 2013

Egg Drop Paper


·         Paper Bag

·         White Styrofoam sheet

·         Plastic water bottle

·         Bubble wrap

·         Packing tape

*An egg was placed in the package once it was constructed

Diagram of Package

Photograph of package before the drop


Photograph of package after the drop


Mass of Egg and Package: 200g

Survival Status

            When the egg landed and was removed for inspection, there were no signs of cracks or breaks. The egg stayed fully intact.


Improvements for third trial

            If we were able to have a third trial, we would work on making our package lighter. We would accomplish this by having a smaller bag that allowed us to have less packaging. Also we could have a smaller bottle that would also account to less weight. We could try to remove the base but that could compromise the speed and direction of the package. These changes would greatly decrease the weight of our package.