Euclidian, Spherical, and Hyperbolic geometries: Click here for formal paper.

After investigating these geometries and their mathematical shapes that cannot be built in the 3- dimensional world or on a 2-dimensional surface, a formal paper that included the comparison and contrast of these geometries as well as their potential applications was written.

Topology Project: Click here for presentation on platonic solids

Another application of these topological topics was an introduction to 3-Dimensional Projective Geometries. These included studies about mobius strips, Klein bottles, and platonic solids.

Platonic solids that take dual shapes

 3D Printing Application: Click here for formal presentation on fully functioning prosthetic hand

After learning about the programs that enable 3D printer, students were tasked with finding a real world application of this new tool. My partner and I found the program for a 3D prostheitc hand, learned about its practical uses, printed each part of the hand out seperately, and put the finished product together using string.


Finished Product

Small pieces used in the process