Hi my name is Ilana Moffet.  I am a current junior at Roland Park Country School in Baltimore, Maryland.  I have been part of the STEM institute since freshman year.  In 9th grade I took 2 semester long classes of science and technology and then math and engineering.  The following year, I took another 2 semester long classes on math and technology and then science and engineering.  After completing the core requirement classes, I realized my true passion within STEM was science and more specifically, medicine.  For my summer internship in between sophmore and junior year, I worked in a cardiology lab at Johns Hopkins Hospital. I really enjoyed my summer internship, so I will be doing more research on cardiogenic shock throughout my junior year.



Seasonal Change Program

During STEM IA, our first project was to track what happens in the population of animals in the backwoods at school while the season changes from fall to winter.  My group of three tracked the animals by putting out food next to an ink pad on top of piece of wood, so in order for the animal to get the food, it must step on the ink pad and leave a foot print on the wood.  Each week, we would collect the wood block and count the number of animal tracks on it.  Throughout the seasonal change we kept track of the number of tracks each week and recorded the area and intensity of sunlight for the week.  This program predicts how many animal tracks there will be based on the area and intensity of sunlight.  In order to open this program, you must have Scratch installed on your computer.  Here is a link to install Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/scratch_1.4/


Short Term Memory Paper

As a final project for STEM IA, my partner and I researched the effects of music on short term memory recall.  We created a program that would display a series of shapes in a particular order.  The test subject had to memorize the shapes while music was playing the background.  This paper is the final report of our findings from our research.



Egg Drop Report

For our first project in STEM IB, my partner and I had the task to create a tetrahedron that would protect an egg when dropped from a high place.  This was a challenging task because it had to cusion and protect the egg so it didn't crack as soon as it hit the ground.  This report summarizes how we succesfully completed this task.


9th Grade Biology:

Soil Ecology Report

In 9th grade biology, we did a final project in small groups instead of taking a final exam.  In a group of 3, we tested the soil at school to see whether pesticides increase or decrease baterial density in soil.  This report gives details about how completed our experiment and what conclusions we were able to draw based on our research.



David Hilbert Topology Project

As part of my study in STEM IIA on math and technology, we did projects on Topology.  My partner and I did our project on Daid Hilbert's Space Filling Curve.  This is our presentation showing what we learned about his curve.

3D Printing and Cardiology

As part of the STEM IIA curriculumn, my classmates and I learned how to print 3D images on our 3D printer.  After learning how to print, we were given the opportunity to research how 3D printing applies to a field of interest of our own.  Medicine is an interest of mine and since I knew I was going to be doing summer work in a cardiology department, I decided it would be interest to see 3D printing's use in cardiology.  This is a presentation I made of the research I compiled on this topic.



Sunscreen Final Stage Gate

To help us learn about science and engineering, we did a project to create our own sunscreen.  We were split into groups and given an ingredients list but had to test different amounts of the ingredients to make the best sunscreen possible.  This is a presentation of our findings at the end of experiment.

Strengthening Sea Life Initiative Presentation

As our final project in STEM IIB, we split into groups to do research on current problems in the Chesapeake Bay.  My group found that sea life is dying off and one of the reasons for that is a decrease in oxygen in the water at greater depths.  We wanted to find a way to better oxygenate the deeper parts of the Bay.  This presentation displays our ideas on how to help the problem.

10th Grade Physics:

Bottle Rocket Lab Report

During 10th grade physics we did a big project on bottle rockets.  We were divided into partners and each partnership created a bottle rocket that they thought would fly farthest when launched.  This is the report of my partner and my's final report describing how we made our bottle, why we made it the way we did, and it summarizes our results after launching the bottle rocket.